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What’s on our mind? You can read about it in our blog. Whether it’s ideas from the investment world or concepts from the financial industry, you can read about it here. And once in a while, we may throw in a movie review or some other surprise. So keep checking in. We’re glad to have you reading along.

How Much Social Security Can You Expect? Thumbnail

How Much Social Security Can You Expect?

One of the first steps in planning for retirement is to get an accurate read on just how much income you can expect to receive from Social Security. This will depend upon your earnings history and retirement timing.

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Should You Trust Your Estate Plan? Thumbnail

Should You Trust Your Estate Plan?

The federal estate tax exemption for 2019 is a whopping $11.4 million -- and twice that for a married couple. It is estimated that only 1,900 estates will be subject to the tax in 2018 -- less than 0.1% of the 2.7 million expected deaths in that year.

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Think You Can Time the Market? Think Again Thumbnail

Think You Can Time the Market? Think Again

Buy low and sell high. It sounds so easy. Surely anyone who follows the market’s latest gyrations and stays abreast of economic and earnings news can anticipate and capitalize on these movements, right?

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